Hybrid Machine Learning Based Approach to Reduce the Features for Prediction of Long-Term Renal Ailment


  • Jayashree M Research Scholar, EPCET and Sr. Assistant Professor, New Horizon College of Engineering Computer Science, VTU, Bangalore, India
  • Anitha N BNM Institute of Technology, Professor, Computer Science, VTU, Bangalore, India


Dimensionality Reduction, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, Extended Gradient Boosting Trees, Machine Learning, Chronic Kidney Disease


The most intensifying communal health problem is chronic kidney disease (CKD) caused by various conditions that reduce the efficiency of the kidneys which results in other health complications, that ultimately lead to the demise of the affected individual. This paper describes an experiment that uses a novel approach to fill missing values and combines related attributes based on domain knowledge and it is evaluated by 4 different Machine Learning (ML) classification algorithms – Logistic Regression, an Extended Gradient Boosting trees, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Among these four algorithms, ANN and XG-Boost provide the better result of 0.97 F1- Score. The standard related data is taken from a repository called UCI machine learning, which has 400 individual data, 250 were reported to have CKD.


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General Block diagram of the process




How to Cite

M, J. ., & N , A. . (2022). Hybrid Machine Learning Based Approach to Reduce the Features for Prediction of Long-Term Renal Ailment. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 10(4), 48–56. Retrieved from https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/2195



Research Article