Bayesian Continual Learning for Cognitive Artificial Intelligence



Bayesian inference, Cognitive artificial intelligence, Continual learning, Human thinking, emotion


Currently, most research on artificial intelligence (AI) is focused on the AI that can make optimal decisions. The optimal AI systems aim to minimize the misclassification rate in classification and mean squared error in regression. As the research on AI that extends beyond human intelligence to emotion is progressing, the interests of cognitive AI that can imitate human thinking and emotion increase. So, we proposed a continual learning model to construct the cognitive AI. In this paper, we define cognitive AI as an extended concept to include not only optimal decision but also rational decision that mimics human emotions. Human learning follows a lifelong learning process in which human existing intelligence or knowledge is continuously updated by new experiences throughout life. So, we study on a continual learning method based on Bayesian inference with Markov Chain Monte Carlo for making cognitive AI. To verify the performance of the proposed method, we carry out simulation study and make experiments using machine learning data.


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Bayesian continual learning for cognitive AI.




How to Cite

Park, S. ., & Jun, S. . (2022). Bayesian Continual Learning for Cognitive Artificial Intelligence. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 10(4), 67–71. Retrieved from



Research Article