Neural Technique for Language Translation



Neural Machine Translation, Keras, Recurrent Neural Network, LSTM, Encoder and Decoder


Objectives: To develop a Neural Machine Translator which can be integrated to the chatting applications which will be helpful for the users who are convenient with their regional languages.
Methods: Neural machine translation is an approach in machine translation which uses an artificial neural network to predict the likelihood of a sequence of words. It is typically modeling entire sentences in a single integrated model. NMT provides more accurate translation by taking into account the context in which a word is used, rather than just translating each individual word on its own.
: We used LSTM to build our model and we were able to get the Hindi sentences for the corresponding English sentences which contains the words count less than are equal to 5 accurately. We were getting translation for sentences more than 5 words also but not all. Like if we test for 100 sentences having more than 5 words, we got almost 75 to 80 sentences accurately.


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Neural Machine Translation




How to Cite

N, A. P. ., G, H. B. ., R, R. S. ., N, S. A. ., & S, J. H. . (2022). Neural Technique for Language Translation. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 10(4), 158–165. Retrieved from



Research Article