2D Face Emotion Recognition and Prediction Using Labelled Selective Transfer Machine and CNN Transfer Learning Techniques for Unbalanced Datasets



Face Emotion Recognition, LBP, LSTM, CNN, Transfer learning, Dense Net, VGG-19


Emotion recognition and prediction using facial expressions is one of the most challenging activities in the computing arena. The most traditional approaches largely depend on pre-processing and feature extraction techniques. This paper factually represents the implementation and evaluation of learning algorithms like LSTM and different CNNs for recognition and predicting emotions of 2D facial expressions based on recognition rate, learning time as well as effect of unbalanced datasets. The proposed system has targeted two datasets CK+ and JAFFE for two different techniques, where LSTM includes histogram equalisation and LBP as pre-processing and feature extraction techniques respectively. A transfer learning technique is explored using Dense Net and VGG-19 algorithm. The recognition rate with Dense Net was 96.64% and 97.45% respectively on the CK+ and JAFFE datasets. LSTM also showed 98.43% of recognition rate on JAFFE where as 72.63% on CK+ dataset.


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Human Emotions in Russell’s Circumflex Model




How to Cite

Pandit, D. ., & Jadhav, S. . (2022). 2D Face Emotion Recognition and Prediction Using Labelled Selective Transfer Machine and CNN Transfer Learning Techniques for Unbalanced Datasets . International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 10(4), 269–277. Retrieved from https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/2226



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