Routing Protocols in Scale-Free Networks: A Survey


  • Pearl Antil Deenbandhu Chhoturam University of Science and Technology, Murthal, Haryana, India
  • Amita Malik Deenbandhu Chhoturam University of Science and Technology, Murthal, Haryana, India


Betwenness centrality, power law, preferential attachment, Scale-Free Networks, Scale-Free routing


Scale-Free Network is a connected network of inhomogeneous nodes with a power-law degree distribution. The ubiquitous presence of scale-free networks has initiated the interest of many profound researchers to study the behaviour and dynamics of these networks. This article discusses different routing challenges encountered in the design of scale-free routing protocols. The scale-free routing algorithms have been grouped into three categories based on topology information used in the network, network dynamics and routing strategy for better comprehension. The paper analyses these routing algorithms highlighting their relative merits and demerits. It also suggests various application domains pertaining to the existing routing algorithms. The article also highlights some open research issues to point to future research directions which can help to design efficient scale-free routing algorithms


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Scale-Free Routing Challenges




How to Cite

Pearl Antil, & Amita Malik. (2022). Routing Protocols in Scale-Free Networks: A Survey. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 10(4), 596–603. Retrieved from



Research Article