Comprehensive Empirical Study of Static Code Analysis Tools for C Language



C language, Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) , Programming language, Security Vulnerability, Static Code Analysis


A developing trend in current science and technology is the emphasis on software codes, which places greater attention on the quality of software codes. In today's quality assurance procedure, static analysis plays a significant role. The important feature is that any fault or vulnerability in the code is discovered without the need to execute it. The key challenge is identifying complex code blocks and possible system faults. For unsafe programming languages like C and C++, various static code analyzers are used. Each of them has unique importance and constraints. To date, no technique has yet been able to guarantee that the software will not ever halt, crash, or behave bizarrely. However, more effective techniques may be chosen to reduce software coding defects. Our objective is to examine various static analysis tools to identify their uniqueness and specification. In this paper, we examine static analysis tools, their methods and determine their performance measures. Our focus is to compare various tools that assess C programs according to capabilities for detecting vulnerabilities and to identify the strengths and limitations of each tool. As an empirical study, we evaluate various performance parameters for the Juliet Test suit for C programming language.


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How to Cite

Vishruti V. Desai, & Vivaksha J. Jariwala. (2022). Comprehensive Empirical Study of Static Code Analysis Tools for C Language. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 10(4), 695–700. Retrieved from



Research Article