Analyzing Travel Time Reliability of a Bus Route in a Limited Data Set Scenario: A Case Study



Automatic Vehicle Location, Intelligent transportation, Travel time variability, Travel time reliability


In this information era commuters prefer to know a reliable travel time to plan ahead of their journey using both public and private modes. In this direction reliability analysis using the location data of the buses is conducted in two folds in the current work; (i) Reliability analysis of a public transit service at route level, and (ii) Travel time reliability analysis of a route utilizing the location data of the buses. The reliability parameters assessed for public transit service are headway, passenger waiting time, travel speed, and travel time as per the Service Level Benchmarks for Urban Transport by the National Urban Transport Policy, Government of India. And travel time reliability parameters such as Buffer Time Index, Travel Time Index, and Planning Time Index are assessed as per Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, U S. The study is conducted in Tumakuru city, India for a significant bus route in a limited data sources scenario.  The results suggest that (i) the Level of Service of the public transit service needs improvement. (ii)around 30% excess of average travel time is needed as buffer time. (iii) more than double the amount of free flow travel time must be planned during peak hours and in the worst case. In the future, the analysis conducted for the route can be extended for citywide performance analysis in both folds. Also, the same method can be applied to cities with similar demographics and traffic-related infrastructure.


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Route map of route Tumakuru Bus Stand to Kyathasandra




How to Cite

B. P., A. ., Sumathi, R. ., & H. S., S. . (2023). Analyzing Travel Time Reliability of a Bus Route in a Limited Data Set Scenario: A Case Study. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 11(2), 30–39. Retrieved from



Research Article