Statistical Analysis of Network Traffic Techniques Using ML &Deep Learning Algorithms


  • ShrawanKumar Pandey, Bhupchand Kumhar, Nishchay Kumar, Trilok Rawat, Devendra Singh Mohan


Network traffic, Machine learning, deep learning, anova one way


The article is under the relationship of network traffic and using ML with deep learning for crucial for the classification of network traffic. This can help with lawful interceptions, maintain service quality, avoid identify characters. Furthermore, it exits the organization characterization strategies, for example, port-put together recognizable proof and those based with respect to profound bundle examination, factual elements related to AI, and profound learning calculations. In addition, we describe the applications, benefits, and drawbacks of these methods. Datasets used in the literature are also included in our analysis. Furthermore, we discussed about upcoming research directions as well as current and upcoming difficulties by using once way anova classification for the validity of the model.


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Author Biography

ShrawanKumar Pandey, Bhupchand Kumhar, Nishchay Kumar, Trilok Rawat, Devendra Singh Mohan

ShrawanKumar Pandey1, Bhupchand Kumhar2, Nishchay Kumar3, Trilok Rawat4, Devendra Singh Mohan5

1Buddha Institute of Technology, Gorakhpur

2IES College of Technology & Management IES University Bhopal,

3Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology SD India Panipat

4Echelon Institute of Technology, Faridabad

5IIMT College of Engineering Greater Noida



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How to Cite

ShrawanKumar Pandey, Bhupchand Kumhar, Nishchay Kumar, Trilok Rawat, Devendra Singh Mohan. (2023). Statistical Analysis of Network Traffic Techniques Using ML &Deep Learning Algorithms. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 11(5s), 273–279. Retrieved from