Hand Gestures Robotic Control Based on Computer Vision



Computer vision, Machine learning, MediaPipe, Hand landmarks


Hand gestures are considered one of the most important and simple ways of communicating between people and robots, especially for humans who suffer from speech and hearing difficulties (the deaf and dumb). Sign language (hand gestures) is used to communicate with them. In this research, the proposed system consists of two parts: The first part is the detection and classification of hand gestures in real time using computer vision technology; this is done by machine learning, specifically the MediaPipe algorithm. The MediaPipe algorithm consists of three sections: the first is the detection of the palm of the hand; the second is identifying 21 points 3D on the palm; and the third is the classification of hand gestures, which is done by comparison between the dimensions of those points. The second part, which depends on the first part, stipulates, after detecting and classifying the hand gestures, the system controls the robot through hand gestures, as each hand gesture has a specific movement that the robot performs. The experimental results showed through the effect of environmental elements such as light intensity, distance, and tilt angle (between hand gesture and camera) that the proposed system can perform well in controlling the movement of the robot through hand gestures.


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Methods for detecting hand gestures and their applications




How to Cite

Wameed , M. ., & Alkamachi , A. M. . (2023). Hand Gestures Robotic Control Based on Computer Vision. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 11(2), 1013 –. Retrieved from https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/2984



Research Article