Intelligent Driverless Delivery Solutions Using Recent Ai Technology
driverless delivery, last-mile automation, autonomous driverless vehicle, last-mile delivery and artificial IntillenegceAbstract
In this article, we investigate how the introduction of completely autonomous automobiles may alter the current state of the transportation industry. This article examines the benefits and drawbacks of autonomous cars, as well as the ways in which these vehicles may influence the travelling behaviours of individuals and the future of transportation infrastructure, such as roadways, parking lots, and public transportation. According to this forecast, fully autonomous Level 5 vehicles that can function with no interference from humans may be commercially accessible and legally deployed in some regions by the late 2021s, despite the fact that their prices are likely to be extremely costly and that their performance will be below par. We won't see the majority of the effects, such as reduced parking and traffic congestion, independent movement for low-income people (and thus a reduced need for public transportation), increased safety, energy conservation, and pollution reductions, until driverless cars become commonplace and affordable in the 2040s to the 2060s. It's possible that only autonomous vehicles should be driven from this point on in order to get the maximum benefits.
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