Develop a 7 Layers Convolution Neural Network and IoT-Based Garbage Classification System


  • Rakesh Uppala Researchscholar, AnnamalaiUniversity,Chidambaram 608001, INDI
  • Ramya V. Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Annamalai University, Chidambaram 608001, TN, India
  • Senthil Murugan V. Department of networking& communications, SRM institute of science & Technology, TN, India.


Bio-Waste, Recycling, Convolution Neural Networks, Biomedical Waste Classification, Waste Management


To achieve highly accurate biomedical waste classification at the start of a collection of biomedical waste, researchers use a deep learning-based processor in this method along with cloud technology. Humans separate reusable garbage into six categories plastic, glassware, newspaper or cardboard, iron, cloth, and other kinds of recycled products to make the following sewage treatment process easier. The 7-layer Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) with machine learning is utilized to complete the biomedical waste classification project. The researchers studied seven state-of-the-art CNN and information pre-processing techniques for garbage categorization, with accuracy scores ranging from 91.9 to 94.6% in the validation dataset for 9 categories. MobileNetV3 is the system with the best classification performance (95%), smallest storage space (48 MB), and fastest operating time (260 ms). The Internet of Things (IoT) devices that enable the exchange of information between biomedical waste disposal and waste container facilities were made to evaluate the total biomedical waste that is generated in this region and the operational status of any trash bin via a collection of sensors. The facility may arrange adaptable device installation, servicing, garbage collection, and route planning by real-time monitoring is a crucial part of an effective system for handling BWM.


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How to Cite

Uppala, R. ., V., R., & Murugan V., S. . (2023). Develop a 7 Layers Convolution Neural Network and IoT-Based Garbage Classification System. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 11(3), 268–275. Retrieved from



Research Article