Efficient Radio Resource Optimization Schemes by Exploring Fog-Based Internet of Things (EROS F-IoT)
Fog-based networks (FBN), Internet of Things (IoT), radio resource allocation, ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC), enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), resource allocationAbstract
Nowadays Cloud-enabled Internet-of-Things (IoT) gaining a lot of attention towards providing real-life solutions. Additionally, the inclusion of fog components in the cloud enabled IoT network brings cloud services to the edge devices of the networks. This leads the cloud enabled IoT network to the next level which is any time anywhere service. Due to the limited resources, the heterogeneous and massive today's fog based IoT networks face efficient resource utilization challenges. Many recent articles are present in the literature on resource allocation in cloud assisted IoT networks but this research are mostly based on either computational resource allocation or radio resource allocation. In this study, we have examined the radio resource allocation schemes for fog based IoT networks. Also, many research articles are present in the literature on radio resource allocation however, they only consider overlay resource allocation i.e., they have examined the performance of dedicated resources for the IoT networks. In order to efficiently utilize limited radio resources, they can be reused by IoT devices. Additionally, these schemes don't consider the consequence of the interference generated from the CUs. In this study, we have presented a radio resource allotment scheme to handle different QoS requirements of fog based IoT networks. First. We formulated an optimization problem for diverse QoS demands of IoT devices with different capabilities next, we have recommended a two-step radio resource allocation scheme by optimal allocation of channels and transmit power. The simulation results portray that our proposed scheme enhances the performance of considered QoS parameters compared with other related baseline methods.
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