OML-SDN: Detection of DDoS attacks in SDN using Optimized Machine Learning Methods
DDoS, Feature Selection, PSO, RBF Kernel, SDN, SVMAbstract
Software-Defined Networks (SDN) is a new technology that allows for future networks' dynamic and efficient design. It redefines the term "network" by allowing network components to be programmed. As a result, network operators can design and control the entire network using the centralized, programmable console architecture. Furthermore, SDN enables network engineers to monitor and control their networks centrally, detecting malicious traffic and link failures. Despite the network's resilience and global visibility, SDN's control plane remains vulnerable to a wide range of security threats, including Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which can render the entire network inaccessible. This study proposes a machine learning-based framework for detecting attack traffic in a centralized SDN environment to address these shortcomings. Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) is used in this study to reduce the dimensionality of the feature space and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to optimize various SVM parameters. A simplified kernel (s-RBF) was introduced to reduce noise caused by feature differences and increases reliability. We used a weighted support vector machine (WSVM) with PSO. The proposed KPCA-WSVM-PSO model, when compared to other classifiers, achieves the highest attack detection rate, according to the experimental data. We can implement the proposed framework into the SDN control plane to reduce the attacks.
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