Classifying Twitter Sentiment on Multi- Levels using A Hybrid Machine Learning Model


  • Ananta Charan Ojha Professor, Department of Computer Science and IT, Jain(Deemed-to-be University), Bangalore-27, India,
  • Pradeep Kumar Shah Assistant Professor, College of Computing Science and Information Technology, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Sunil Gupta Associate professor, School of Computer Science & System, JAIPUR NAITONAL UNIVERSITY, JAIPUR, India
  • Sachin Sharma Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Computer, Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University, Uttarakhand, India


Social network, Twitter, sentiment classification, tweets, hybrid machine learning (ML), SNN NB


Social networking sites like Twitter have developed into rich sources for popular sentiment, providing insightful information about the attitudes, feelings, and reactions of the general public. In order to extract useful information from the enormous amount of content created by users on Twitter, sentiment analysis—the technique for autonomously recognising and classifying sentiment in textual data—is absolutely essential. In this article, we present a hybrid machine learning (ML)-based multilevel system for classifying Twitter sentiment. The Spiking neural network (SNN) is used in the suggested hybrid strategy (SNN+NB) suggested in this article in order to assist Naive Bayes (NB) classifiers make better decisions by giving NB an additional input. We employ a multilayer text mining application, involving data retrieval and query handling, to show the framework's functionality for language interpretation and sentiment analysis utilising hybrid machine learning. Performance metrics for our suggested SNN+NB method's accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score are examined. The created framework can offer insightful information to people, organisations, and researchers looking to comprehend trends in public mood and make data-based choices using Twitter data.


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How to Cite

Ojha, A. C. ., Shah, P. K. ., Gupta, S. ., & Sharma, S. . (2023). Classifying Twitter Sentiment on Multi- Levels using A Hybrid Machine Learning Model. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(3s), 328–333. Retrieved from



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