Intelligent Filtering Techniques for Reducing Various Noise in Image of Mango Leaves.
Adaptive Weiner Filter, denoising, Gaussian noise, Image processing, impulse Noise, Median Filters, Poisson Noise, Speckle noise, noiseAbstract
One of the greatest challenges in image processing is to remove noise from the image. Since ages, it is seen that reducing the noise level in the image as a greater challenge. The intelligent image processing has been equipped with the smart algorithms in this arena that can remove the noise and retrieve the image with its crucial results. That the distortion of the signals and the noise can be easily removed using the image processing algorithms. The application includes in the field of medical science, radar and satellite imaging as well. In this research article tries to find out which algorithm and the technique have better efficacy in removing the noise for a mango leaf image. To verify the functionality, the noise like poison, salt and pepper, Gaussian and speckle noise are considered. The image is verified with median average and adaptive weiner filters. The entropy and the time taken to execute are the performance parameters that are likely to be measured in research article. After removing the noises present in the mango leaf image, it can be further processed to identify disease present, if any.
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