Towards a Novel Privacy-Preserving Distributed Multiparty Data Outsourcing Scheme for Cloud Computing with Quantum Key Distribution
Blockchain, cloud computing, cryptographic mechanism, privacy, quantum, securityAbstract
The intersection of cloud computing, blockchain technology, and the impending era of quantum computing presents a critical juncture for data security. This research addresses the escalating vulnerabilities by proposing a comprehensive framework that integrates Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), CRYSTALS-Kyber, and Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) for securing data in cloud-based blockchain systems. The primary objective is to fortify data against quantum threats through the implementation of QKD, a quantum-safe cryptographic protocol. We leverage the lattice-based cryptographic mechanism, CRYSTALS-Kyber, known for its resilience against quantum attacks. Additionally, ZKPs are introduced to enhance data privacy and verification processes within the cloud and blockchain environment. A significant focus of this research is the performance evaluation of the proposed framework. Rigorous analyses encompass encryption and decryption processes, quantum key generation rates, and overall system efficiency. Practical implications are scrutinized, considering factors such as file size, response time, and computational overhead. The evaluation sheds light on the framework's viability in real-world cloud environments, emphasizing its efficiency in mitigating quantum threats. The findings contribute a robust quantum-safe and ZKP-integrated security framework tailored for cloud-based blockchain storage. By addressing critical gaps in theoretical advancements, this research offers practical insights for organizations seeking to secure their data against quantum threats. The framework's efficiency and scalability underscore its practical feasibility, serving as a guide for implementing enhanced data security in the evolving landscape of quantum computing and blockchain integration within cloud environments.
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