An NLP-Based Approach for Optimising Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing using Different Meta-Heuristic Algorithms


  • Manish Chhabra Research Scholar 21scse3010022 ,School of Computing Science & Engineering, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India
  • Rajesh E. Professor, School of Computing Science & Engineering, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India


Cloud Computing (CC), Machine Learning (ML) Intelligence, Optimal Task Scheduling, Natural Language Processing (NLP.)


Organizing tasks efficiently is crucial for optimizing the performance of cloud computing. Our research study introduces a novel ML-based method to assess and rank algorithms for task scheduling, taking into account their characteristics. Through the utilization of Google Drive and the SpaCy English model for data extraction, we detect and measure significant descriptive terms associated with algorithm features. By assigning priorities based upon our algorithm  to these terms espically based on their frequencies, we are able to determine the relative significance of each feature. By amalgamating these priorities, we calculate priority scores for each algorithm, unveiling their potential for performance. The optimal task scheduling algorithm can be known  by analyzing the priority scores. By showing these scores using a X-Y plot helps users easily understand and compare the different algorithms. Our unique approach allows personal or enterprise users to make informed decisions, thereby optimizing the utilization of cloud resources and improving overall efficiency. This research study  proposes an Natural Language Processing -driven methodology supported by data to navigate various task scheduling algorithms, ultimately enhancing cloud computing performance. The power of artificial intelligence immensely helps to achieve better resource utilization and improved performance in cloud environments.


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How to Cite

Chhabra, M. ., & E., R. . (2023). An NLP-Based Approach for Optimising Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing using Different Meta-Heuristic Algorithms. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(9s), 529–535. Retrieved from



Research Article