A Novel Pointing Method Based on Bare-Hand Interactions Using the Palmar Surface In XR
augmented reality, bare-hand interaction, extended reality, pointingAbstract
Much of the current content (photos, videos, etc.) is provided through windows, which comprise a 2D graphical user interface. In extended reality (XR), it is common to render such content on a 3D plane (hereafter 3D window). XR, an emerging interactive environment, has been developed to support bare-handed input, and studies on interacting with 3D windows in this environment have primarily focused on pointing methods. However, conventional methods can cause various issues such as fatigue and discomfort owing to the use of mid-air gestures. In consideration of these problems, this paper proposes a novel pointing method. The proposed method augments a virtual pad on the palmar surface of one hand and uses the other hand to operate the pad for pointing. The pointing performance of the proposed method was evaluated by comparing it with three conventional representative pointing methods (Gaze&Gesture (GG), Handray&Gesture (HG), and virtual pad (VP)). From the analysis results, the proposed method performed better than VP but was inferior to GG and HG. However, qualitative analysis confirmed that the proposed method achieved accurate pointing, fast perceived operation speed, and low fatigue. It was also confirmed from the survey results on social acceptance that the proposed method is most preferred in public environments.
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