An Overall Survey of Brain Tumor Detection with Improved Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques
Segmentation, Feature Extraction, Validation, DiseaseAbstract
Cancer ID plays the crucial role in identifying the type of therapy, treatment progress, success rate, and disease advancement. CNN were the pivotal class at deep learning, particularly in recognizing visual imagery. CNNs train through convolution & maxpooling layers. ELM were the type for trainind mechanisms with hidden layers, applied at multiple domains like classification & regression.Gliomas, which is the common as well as violent brain cancers, significantly impact patient survival. Therefore, effective treatment planning is vital for enhancing life time for oncological patients. MRI which is very often used for identifying tumor. However, extensive information generated with MRI impedes traditional filtering within proper timeframe, by limits of the application in identifying the quality in terms of medical data. Hence, there is a need for reliable and automated segmentation methods.
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