Multi-Modal Explainability Evaluation for Brain Tumor Segmentation: Metrics MSFI


  • Maria Nancy A. Research Scholar, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • K. Sathyarajasekaran Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and Engineering,, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


Explainable AI, Multi Modal Specific Feature Importance (MSFI), Modality Importance(MI)


The significance of interpretability in artificial intelligence (AI) models is growing within the healthcare sector, driven by advancements in medical imaging technology. These developments enhance our ability to recognize and understand intricate biomedical occurrences. As medical imaging technology progresses, the need for interpretable AI models becomes more critical in ensuring trust, accountability, and acceptance among healthcare professionals. In this context, the Multi-Modal Specific Feature Importance (MSFI) metric emerges as a crucial tool for evaluating the effectiveness of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) models, specifically Grad-CAM, in multi-modal medical imaging tasks. The MSFI metric addresses the intricacies of interpreting decisions made by AI models when presented with multi-modal medical images. Clear and detailed explanations are essential for ensuring a thorough comprehension and fostering trust in the decision-making process. This is particularly crucial as these visuals communicate diverse clinical information pertaining to the same underlying biomedical reality. The metric aims to assess how well heat-maps or feature attribution maps elucidate these decisions. The evaluation process using the MSFI metric is a comprehensive approach that combines computational methods with clinician user studies. For assessing the challenging brain tumor segmentation task clinically, the MSFI metric serves as a valuable tool. This metric gauges the correlation between the model prediction and the plausibility measure from various explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) approaches. In the selection and development of XAI algorithms tailored to meet clinical requirements for multi-modal explanation, the MSFI metric proves to be a valuable resource. By focusing on addressing the interpretability of modality-specific features, this metric provides a framework for refining and advancing XAI models in the realm of medical imaging. The MSFI measure offers a robust evaluation framework that aids in comprehending the performance of AI models in the intricate realm of multi-modal medical imaging, particularly in the context of brain tumor segmentation diagnosis.


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How to Cite

Nancy A., M. ., & Sathyarajasekaran, K. . (2024). Multi-Modal Explainability Evaluation for Brain Tumor Segmentation: Metrics MSFI. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(16s), 341–347. Retrieved from



Research Article