A Susceptible Evidence Processing Framework for Handheld Devices Through Digital Forensic Measurements


  • T. M. Bhraguram Research scholar, Computer Science and Engineering department, Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute Chennai.
  • P. S. Rajakumar Professor, Computer Science and Engineering department, Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute Chennai.
  • N. Kanya Professor, Head of The department IT, Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute Chennai.


Evidence processing, Digital Forensic Investigation, evidence labelling, KDE


Digital forensic comprises various actions for processing digital evidences like preprocess, identification, modeling, extraction, and documentation. All these actions are modelled and entitled through the court of law. Different procedures and methods are followed to perform these actions by the help of various platforms and hardware specifications. The analysis and processing of digital evidences depends on the hardware specifications of various companies and the systematic approach of various effective evidence processing software tools. Most of the hardware developing companies takes the security measures through on board circuits and this helps the digital investigators an advantage while retrieving evidences. Latest technological advancements in industry demands various sensitive security measures needs to be considered while launching new hardware devices specifically for communication purposes. Digital forensic plays a great role in retrieving sensitive evidences and its processing while a digital crime scene is evaluating. This activity considers various processing steps and it leads to the evaluation of both hardware and software participated in the crime scene. Mobile devices are the most sensitive and popular handheld devices used around the globe and the communication capability of these handheld devices makes the message passing and content delivery more flexible hence may lead to the misuse and hacked through the personal space. This article gives an effective framework for analysis and processing of digital evidences specifically for handheld devices like Mobiles, pager, laptop, Notebook and other electronic pads. Nowadays most of the communications occurred through handheld devices so the application of digital forensic measurements on these cases are highly important and sensitive. The digital crime analysis and its effective processing solved by the proposed framework and it integrates various levels of security pads. The framework proposed here comprises LR based Numerical and Verbal likelihood ratio during the digital evidence processing scenarios. This integrated mechanism works on the device platform scrutinize both platform dependent and independent factors and applied on the kernel layer with certain security measurements. Any handheld or mobile platforms may adapt with the changes and the retrieved kernel resources including any suspected communications can pass through the framework channel. Thus the scalable platforms may arise with sustainable security enhancements which are entitles according to the procedure established by law.


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How to Cite

Bhraguram, T. M. ., Rajakumar, P. S. ., & Kanya, N. . (2024). A Susceptible Evidence Processing Framework for Handheld Devices Through Digital Forensic Measurements. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(17s), 427–442. Retrieved from https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/4894



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