Subjectivity Detection and Semantic Analysis for Opinion Mining using SBNDNN


  • Mekala Susmitha Research Scholar, Department of CSE, KoneruLakshmaiah Education Foundation, Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Shaik Razia Associate Professor, Department of CSE, KoneruLakshmaiah Education Foundation, Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Andhra Pradesh, India


Subjectivity Detection, Data pre-processing, Semantic Analysis, feature extraction, support value, Sentiment based normalized deep neural network


Given the increased accessibility and popularity of resources with a diversity of opinions, such as personal blogs and online review sites, employ technological advances effectively which learns about the beliefs of others. A sentiment analysis (SA) which defines a text as opinionated or non-opinionated is known as subjectivity. In this paper, we proposed the subjectivity detection and semantic analysis for opinion mining using SBNDNN (Sentiment based normalized deep neural network). Initially under goes the process of pre-processing, and then attains the process of subjectivity detection and feature extraction. Finally classification takes place by means of Sentiment based normalized deep neural network used for the sentiment classification of opinion Analysis to predict whether it’s positive, negative or neutral002E.


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How to Cite

Susmitha, M. ., & Razia, S. . (2024). Subjectivity Detection and Semantic Analysis for Opinion Mining using SBNDNN. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(18s), 523–533. Retrieved from



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