CMOS Transceiver Epiretinal Vision Restoration Retina Chipset using Wireless Inductive Coupling


  • Hima Bindu Katikala, Telagathoti Pitchaiah, Gajula Ramana Murthy


CMOS transceiver, Binary phase shift keying, Inductive coupling, Retina chipset


In medical implants the inductive coupling is the most common topology used for power transfer. Because of design complexity a wireless power transfer is mostly adaptable in the medical implants. In this paper, for the data progressing inside the implant a complementary metal oxide semiconductor transceiver (CMOS TRx) on-chip prototype is proposed with an inductive coupling power transfer for retina application. The CMOS TRx is an integrated device contains the data modulators, configured inductive, demodulator & epiretinal electrode array used to generate an action potential inside the retina. The binary phase shift modulator with class-E power amplifier is designed to transfer the data within two carrier cycles at the transmitter side to maintain high modulation rate than other modulation techniques. The proposed inductive coupling tuned to be resonant at the frequency of 13.56MHz as same as bpsk carrier frequency with more parallel receiver resonance (ωp) by considering the retina permittivity.


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How to Cite

Telagathoti Pitchaiah, Gajula Ramana Murthy, H. B. K. . (2024). CMOS Transceiver Epiretinal Vision Restoration Retina Chipset using Wireless Inductive Coupling. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(21s), 321–327. Retrieved from



Research Article