Comparative Analysis of Different Argumentation Frameworks


  • Shashi Prabha Anan, Vaishali Singh


Natural Language Processing, Argumentation Mining, Structured and Unstructured Data sets, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Argumentation.


Argumentation Mining is considered a much harder task than generic information extraction or event mining because argumentation structures can be nested recursively. That is, a complete argumentation structure (claim and premises) might function as the premise of some more general claim, and so on. Recognizing the relationships among components of an argument also requires real-world knowledge, including knowing when one thing is a subtype of another. Both use NLP methods to map unstructured text onto graph-like structures or databases. The resulting information is easier to analyze for a variety of tasks, such as learning about social or political views, advising people about how to weigh the evidence for or against some choice, or helping companies to market products or perform quality assurance. Most of these tasks use hand-built templates that have been specified to fit a particular task or observed style of communication.


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How to Cite

Shashi Prabha Anan, Vaishali Singh. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Different Argumentation Frameworks . International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(21s), 776–779. Retrieved from



Research Article