Reactive & Multipath Routing with Adaptive Urban Area Vehicular Traffic (AUAVT) in VANET Environment
VANET, IoV, AUAVT, Reactive, Multipath and QoSAbstract
VANET is a special instance of the wireless multi-hop system, which owing to the high vehicle mobility is restricted by rapid changes in the topology. In this work family of AUAVT proposed, road-based information routing protocols that performs well in urban areas as adhoc vehicle networks (VANET). AUAVT protocols take advantage of real time traffic generation and communication to construct internets of vehicle (IoV) network. In the proposed work adaptively reactive and multipath AUAVT routing protocol designed and implemented with comparative analysis done on the basis of QoS parameters which is compared with AODV and OLSR routing protocol using NS-2 simulator. Simulation indicates the proposed AUAVT-Mulp, AUAVT-Reac routing protocol gives better performance by 6% and 28% respectively in terms of packet delivery ratio and average throughput with less routing overhead over AODV, OLSR routing protocol.
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