Algorithmic Diversity in Maze Generation Comparative Study of Backtracking, Kruskal's, Prim's, and Eller's Algorithms


  • Ivan Cahyakusuma, Wirawan Istiono


Backtracking Algorithm, Eller’s Algorithm, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Maze, Prim’s Algorithm


The creation of content using Procedural Content Generation or PCG is a common occurrence in game development. The utilization of PCG can reduce game development costs and provide players with unique gaming experiences in each session. Among the various existing PCG algorithms, each algorithm generates content with different levels of complexity. This research aims to compare maps generated by the Backtracking Algorithm, Kruskal’s Algorithm, Prim’s Algorithm, and Eller’s Algorithm. Each algorithm will create maze maps of sizes 5x5, 10x10, and 15x15, and their completion times will be measured using the A-Star maze-solver algorithm. Based on the results of this study, mazes created by the Backtracking algorithm are the most complex, with an average completion time of 2.3803 seconds, which is 14.82% longer than the mazes generated by the Eller algorithm. The mazes created by the Eller algorithm come in second as the most complex, with an average completion time of 2.0729 seconds, which is 4.27% longer than those generated by the Kruskal algorithm. The mazes created by the Kruskal algorithm rank third in complexity, with an average completion time of 1.988 seconds, which is 31.84% longer than the ones generated by the Prim algorithm. Lastly, the mazes created by the Prim algorithm are the least complex, with an average completion time of 1.5078 seconds.


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How to Cite

Wirawan Istiono, I. C. . (2024). Algorithmic Diversity in Maze Generation Comparative Study of Backtracking, Kruskal’s, Prim’s, and Eller’s Algorithms. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(3), 1281–1287. Retrieved from



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