MS-CLSTM: A Novel Deep Learning Approach for Forecasting Atmospheric Temperature Indices at Intervals


  • Surabhi Anuradha, Surabhi Sivakumar, Pothabathula Naga Jyothi


forecasting, time series, temporal convolution, structured encoding, multi-stacking


Time series forecasting plays a vital role in advancing fields like finance, economics, meteorology, and stock market analysis. It enables the prediction of future values by examining patterns in historical data. Forecasting becomes a great deal with recent strides in accuracy propelled by various deep learning techniques. In this study, we introduced a multi-stacked ConvLSTM (MS-CLSTM) model designed for precise periodic forecasting of atmospheric temperature indices. The model's performance was evaluated against Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Temporal Convolution Network (TCN) models across diverse historical input windows and target prediction scenarios. Assessment metrics such as Mean Square Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) were employed to gauge accuracy, particularly in predicting twelve-hour periodic temperature projections using a three-day historical temperature window as input. Our findings revealed a substantial improvement in performance during validation, showcasing a 42% reduction in MSE and a 20% decrease in MAE compared to LSTM. Additionally, when compared to TCN, our proposed model exhibited a 12% decrease in MSE and a 5% drop in MAE. Notably, the model consistently demonstrated strong performance across various input window sizes, encompassing historical information ranging from two to five days, and in predicting varying target scenarios.


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How to Cite

Surabhi Sivakumar, Pothabathula Naga Jyothi, . S. A. . (2024). MS-CLSTM: A Novel Deep Learning Approach for Forecasting Atmospheric Temperature Indices at Intervals. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(3), 1411–1417. Retrieved from



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