Advancing Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks through Localization Techniques: A Perspective from Computer Networks
Network lifetime, Localization, WSN, Node location, sensor nodesAbstract
the primary task of a Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is to sense the environment around, and sends the information back. The sensor nodes need to be of less size, low on power consumption which substantially constrained the computational capacity of these nodes. So any computational task involving these nodes must be very power efficient so that the duration of the deployment can be increased. Localization Techniques in WSNs have been created to identify unknown sensor node position information. This is a fundamental need in many different applications, hence it was necessary to develop these techniques. This is a general rule. In this work, our primary emphasis is on exploiting the information provided by anchor nodes to more accurately estimate the positions of sensors whose locations are unknown while simultaneously reducing the amount of power that is required to do so. It is as yet a troublesome issue to locate a precise and efficient node location computation algorithm in sensor networks. In this paper, we proposed a distributed technique for localization of sensor nodes utilizing couple of mobile reference nodes. When compared to two current energy-efficient clustering and localization methods—the ECGAL and the CLOCK-Localization Approach—the study outputs reveal that the suggested methodology is the most efficient and has the capacity of being speedier.
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