Recognition and Classification of Skin Cancer using Deep Learning


  • Rafik Ahmad, Kalyan Achariya


ABCD criteria, Melanoma, Skin cancer, CNN, ANN


Melanoma, a type of skin malignant growth, is a developing problem in the clinical world. This malignant growth, starting in the epidermal layer in cells which gives color to the skin called melanocytes, has metastatic inclinations with high prospects of arriving at nerves and bones and causing lethally unfavorable impacts. Melanoma's apparent side effects are injuries on cutaneous surfaces with trademark properties which are key determinants for specialists to separate between a harmless or dangerous sore. Subsequently, an extremely huge advance to lessen the death pace of Melanoma is early analysis with high precision during the essential improvement time of sore Clinical pictures of such skin abnormalities are analyzed utilizing the painless act of dermoscopy. Dermoscopic pictures are gotten through Medical Imaging Procedures anyway their appraisal was physical and relied vigorously upon the dermatologist's comprehension. Presently the central technique utilized for assessment of a sore is ABCD measures which set norms for four boundaries of an injury via Asymmetry, Border Irregularity, Colour Pigmentation and Diameter (>6mm). Injuries satisfying ABCD measures need quick master consideration. Endeavors for reproducing ABCD models on mechanized frameworks utilizing techniques for picture handling for symptomatic precision and speed have been made before. Any way central issues with these modalities incorporate uncertainty inside human comprehension, goal restrictions, bending and unfortunate differentiation, algorithmic mistake of doling out the same mathematical qualities to divergent sore boundaries and impediments of ghastly strategies by the powerlessness of acquiring exact recurrence content of the injury's boundary. Our undertaking utilizes Keras and Matplotlib library of Python to prepare a model on disease order.


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How to Cite

Kalyan Achariya, R. A. . (2024). Recognition and Classification of Skin Cancer using Deep Learning. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(21s), 1275–1282. Retrieved from



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