Machine learning Evaluation on Effects of Transformational Judgement and Performance metrics in Information Industry


  • Wiliam, Syaifuddin, Sofiyan, Salman Faris


Machine Learning, Transformational Judgment, Performance Metrics, Information Industry, Regression, Classification, Feature Selection,


In the rapidly evolving landscape of the information industry, understanding the impact of transformational judgment on performance metrics is crucial for organizational success. This study employs machine learning techniques to evaluate the effects of transformational judgment on various performance metrics within the information industry. Transformational judgment, defined as the ability to envision and enact transformative strategies, is examined as a predictor variable, while performance metrics such as efficiency, innovation, and customer satisfaction serve as outcome variables.Using a dataset encompassing a diverse range of information industry organizations, this study applies regression and classification algorithms to analyze the relationships between transformational judgment and performance metrics. Feature selection and engineering techniques are employed to enhance model accuracy and interpretability. Additionally, model evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score are utilized to assess the predictive performance of the machine learning models. This research contributes to both theoretical understanding and practical applications within the information industry by elucidating the importance of transformational judgment in achieving organizational success. By leveraging machine learning techniques for predictive analysis, organizations can identify and cultivate transformational leadership qualities to optimize performance outcomes and gain a competitive edge in the dynamic information landscape.


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How to Cite

Syaifuddin, Sofiyan, Salman Faris, W. . (2024). Machine learning Evaluation on Effects of Transformational Judgement and Performance metrics in Information Industry. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(21s), 1566–1569. Retrieved from



Research Article