The Influence of Different Factors on the Iraqi Construction Industry Using Organizational Culture: An Intelligent Measurement Model Assessments in AMOS-Based SEM
Measurement Model, Stakeholders, Iraqi Construction Industry, Communication, Cost, Technological Factors, Top Management Support, Local Authorities Support, Organizational CultureAbstract
The positive impact of the construction industry's efficiency on cost reduction, economic growth, and overall national economies is a widely recognized phenomenon across the globe. The implementation of construction projects is often impeded by various limitations and hazards that impede the progress of project operations, ultimately resulting in a significant adverse impact on the overall performance of the projects. Prior studies have assessed the impact of different factors pertaining to a company or project while disregarding the present study aims to address the research gap by incorporating organizational culture as a moderating variable and assessing the impact of different factors, namely stakeholders, communication, cost, technology, top management support, and local authority support, on the performance of the construction industry in Iraq. The research data was collected through a survey questionnaire with several construction practitioners in Iraq. The AMOS Software is used to analyze the data and develop the measurement model. A survey instrument was utilized to obtain information for the research from a multitude of construction companies in Iraq. The data have been subjected to analysis, and a measurement model has been constructed using AMOS 26 to test the results of the hypotheses. The results reveal that the model fits the nature of the data and the research variables. Investigating the effect of these factors will help the construction industry to prevent or mitigate risks, control expenditures, and achieve competitive advantages. Measuring the Effects of Different Factors on the Iraqi Construction Industry Using Organizational Culture.
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