Fuzzy Logic Based Grid Integration of Photovoltaic/Wind Hybrid Power Generation
Photovoltaic, wind, solar array, MPPT, PI controller, and FLCAbstract
The study outlines a hybrid solar-wind system that uses three-phase power grid architecture to ensure sustainable and effective power generation. The hybrid solar-wind device uses the one of the technique of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) to optimize total effectiveness at the Common Coupling Point (PCC) by combining a photovoltaic station with a wind farm. This guarantees the best possible energy production with wind and solar power systems, regardless of the weather. The 3-phase neutral point clamped multilevel inverter's DC-link voltage is adjusted using a fuzzy logic controller that has been designed and proven to follow the vector control technique. This ensures that the inverter maintains the intended level. The hybrid system MATLAB/SIMULINK is used to execute the simulation, comparing the performance of the PI controller and the FLC controller overall. Step reaction of the MPPT and DC-link voltage technique performance are included in the assessment. The findings demonstrate that, in spite of fluctuating weather conditions, the FLC controller effectively maintains a grid voltage, achieves a power factor of one, and makes the most of the use of the solar-wind hybrid energy system injection by employing active power. In conclusion, the research presents a thorough method to maximize power production and improve overall performance of a hybrid solar-wind system. It makes use of the FLC controller and MPPT technique to manage the DC-link voltage in an efficient manner for the best performance in various weather conditions. The design of effective renewable energy integration of renewable energy sources and systems into the electrical grid are both greatly enhanced by the suggested approach.
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