An Optimal Secure Communication Using Multipath Data Transmission to Minimize Energy Consumption in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSN), data transfer, static, dynamic, Packet Delivery Rate, Nodes, routing protocol, network lifetime.Abstract
Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSN) differ from terrestrial wireless sensor networks in the battery life. While several protocols and models have been developed for terrestrial networks, they are rarely used in underwater sensor networks. A lot of work is now being put into designing effective protocols considering underwater communication features. Complexity of the undersea environment and the slow transmission speed, an important difficulty in this field is attacks with high delay tolerance, utilising an inadequate architecture for multipath variable data transmission and encryption.
To overcome the issues, UWSN with cluster-based data collection task is experienced and clarified for efficient data transfer, reduced data redundancy and improved system lifetime. Data collection procedures help address the energy consumption of sensor nodes. To localization-based data communication, localization-free data communication, and cluster-based data communication. Various deployment architecture models use data communication processes based on these routing protocol architectures. Higher data speed and lower power consumption result in better performance and PDR (Packet Delivery Rate). The design of a Multi Routing for Improving Security using three phases a Genetic algorithm Genetic algorithm with Time-Based Trustworthy Links (TBTL) and Recursive Spectral Neural network (RSN2) using Spectral Social Spider Optimization (SSSO) and Time-Based Trustworthy Links (TBTL) for utilizing the dynamic, static routing and Encryption for improving the Security and reduced energy level. In addition, the Final proposed Recursive Spectral Neural Network (RSN2) Selects relays depending on the depth of the environment, minimises hops on the link discovered at depth thresholds, and addresses the data transmission loop problem. These methods are compared with the optimised distributed Optimal Distributed Energy Efficient Hybrid Optical - Acoustic Cluster Based Routing Protocol (EEHCRP) is Underwater wireless sensor networks are intended to use less energy. UWSN sensors are planted at varied depths, and the amount of data provided varies as well. Some nodes engage in data transmission to the greatest extent possible, causing them to expend energy and die prematurely. This shortens the network's lifespan. Increasing network lifetime is a scientific topic that must be addressed. Effective node power management will extend the life of the network. Simulation results show that the Recursive Spectral Neural Network (RSN2) performs better in network lifetime, transmission loss, and data throughput than other popular energy-balanced routing algorithms.
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