Agri-Food Supply Chain: A Blockchain-Enabled Framework for Industry 4.0 Applications


  • Sandip Bankar, Kishor Sakure, Rohini Patil, Surekha Janrao, Shudhodhan Bokefode, Jayesh Sarwade, Raju Gurav, Preeti Gupta


Blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, Caliper, Supply Chain.


The globalization of supply chains, rising competition, and unpredictable environmental factors accelerate business, by causing technological disruptions. Industry 4.0 technologies maximize resource use and sustainability, improving production and worker safety. Industry 4.0 has been adopted by most industries, but agriculture has received little research. Business 4.0 technology aims to improve farm resource allocation and reduce climate change disruptions. Consumers and governments seek Agri-food supply chain transparency. Instant traceability can improve food quality and autonomous decision-making in digital agri-food supply chains. Blockchain technologies are being used to provide safe traceability for agri-food chain management, product provenance, and food fraud prevention due to their trust and unchangeability. This study proposes an optimized blockchain-based smart agricultural system to address such issues. Many blockchain and smart contract-based agri-food chain management systems are product or manufacturing process-specific and hard to generalize. This research uses permissioned blockchains to determine how parameters affect performance. Our evaluation method considers the Hyperledger Fabric to create an agri-food supply chain data network and performance experiments with the Hyperledger Caliper benchmark revealed improved efficiency of the proposed agri-food supply chain system based on blockchain by comparing throughput, send rate, and latency with and without optimization.


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How to Cite

Sandip Bankar. (2024). Agri-Food Supply Chain: A Blockchain-Enabled Framework for Industry 4.0 Applications . International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(3), 3296–3303. Retrieved from



Research Article