Automating Data Privacy Compliance through Filtering Algorithms


  • Demelyn E. Monzon, Leandro Avena


Collaborative Filtering, Content Filtering, Data Privacy Impact Assessment, Business Process Outsourcing, Data Privacy Officers


Implementing controls to address identified privacy risks in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies presents a significant challenge for Data Privacy Officers. A well-functioning control system directly contributes to the privacy risk rate associated with each identified issue. Failure to implement controls correctly can escalate the level of privacy risk.

The researcher has developed a unique system that is integrated into a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) tool. This system, powered by content and collaborative filtering algorithms, takes a collaborative approach to privacy risk management. Based on the risk category of each control and historical data, it recommends controls for reducing or eliminating the risk associated with each project within the organization. A collaborative approach empowers everyone to feel responsible for the outcome, encouraging all stakeholders to actively participate in addressing privacy risks.

This study adopts a combination of developmental and descriptive approaches. Developmental research focuses on systematically designing, developing, and evaluating the recommender system for the PIA tool, ensuring it meets the requirements. Descriptive research, meanwhile, investigates common privacy risks, implementation challenges, strategies employed, and respondents' satisfaction levels with the developed system.

The thoroughness of the research findings is a testament to the potential risks in BPO facilities. Many of these facilities allow unrestricted employee access to data storage areas, leading to potential breaches. Additionally, technical issues with data processing equipment often result in accidental exposure of personal and sensitive information even after disposing of records. These identified risks directly contravene the security protocols mandated by the National Privacy Commission (NPC), which require strict physical security measures for organizations handling personal data. The comprehensive nature of these findings instills confidence in the proposed solutions, reassuring the audience about the effectiveness of the proposed system.

This research introduces a crucial solution-a recommender system integrated within a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) tool. This system, powered by Collaborative filtering and content filtering, is designed to effectively address the challenges posed by privacy risks in BPO companies. Its ability to analyze past assessments and suggest controls based on similar situations, as well as categorize the appropriate control type based on risk description, makes it a valuable tool for Data Privacy Officers (DPOs) and top management.

By utilizing collaborative and content-based algorithms, the system not only recommends privacy risk levels and corresponding controls for identified and newly identified risks but also includes the audience in the process. This assists Data Privacy Officers (DPOs) in reducing risk levels by lessening or eliminating the potential harm from privacy breaches and making informed decisions. The system provides recommendations for top management to ensure compliance, fostering a sense of inclusion and shared responsibility in addressing privacy risks.


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How to Cite

Demelyn E. Monzon,. (2024). Automating Data Privacy Compliance through Filtering Algorithms. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(21s), 2966–2971. Retrieved from



Research Article