Strengthening Web Application Security: A Penetration Regression Test Selection Algorithm for Early Detection of Buffer Overflow Vulnerability


  • Shilpa R. G., Jhilmil Basu, T. P. Pushphavathi, P. V. R. Murthy


Branch coverage, Buffer overflow, Code coverage, Penetration testing, Regression testing, Regression test selection, Security testing, Vulnerability


Web applications are prime targets for security breaches, making rigorous regression testing essential to prevent adverse impacts from modifications or enhancements. The aim of regression testing is to ensure that improvements or modifications to a program's functionality do not adversely affect its current operations. Regression testing is essential as it reduces the size of the test suite, thus reducing the time and effort for testing as a system or application is modified. Regression test selection methods are used widely in functional testing but not addressed in context with penetration or security testing. The traditional regression testing techniques and code coverage (branch coverage) based test adequacy measurements, are found to be inadequate. This paper proposes a novel algorithm for penetration regression test selection along with extended branch coverage criteria predominantly focusing on buffer overflow vulnerability. The algorithm is based on the control-flow structure of the program. Additionally this approach provides a systematic method to detect buffer overflow vulnerability in the unit testing phase of early software development life cycle for the practitioners.


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How to Cite

Shilpa R. G. (2024). Strengthening Web Application Security: A Penetration Regression Test Selection Algorithm for Early Detection of Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(21s), 3073 –. Retrieved from



Research Article