Multimodal Sentiment and Emotion Classification Using BiLSTM Model with Bird Intelligence and Bald Eagle Optimization


  • Prashant K. Adakane, Amit K. Gaikwad


BiLSTM, Multimodal, White Headed Bird Optimization


In the current digital era, when social media, customer reviews, and other online platforms generate massive amounts of text data every day, the ability to automatically identify and classify attitudes and emotions has become more and more important. Models of sentiment and emotion classification are vital tools for studying human emotional expression. Nevertheless, these models face many challenges, such as the need for effective multimodal data integration, handling of data imbalance, and the ability to capture nuanced emotional aspects. With the use of a white headed bird (WHB-) optimization and a bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) classifier, this work offers a strong approach for multimodal emotion classification. Furthermore, in order to improve overall efficiency, the paper presents a unique hybrid optimization technique that optimizes weights and biases in classifier parameters. The scientific novelty is in the combination of the cutting-edge WHB-optimization approach and the highly effective BiLSTM model, which together push the boundaries of multimodal emotional classification. By doing so, it makes a unique and beneficial addition to the field in the process. The created model achieves 94.90%, 95.27%, 94.79% and 95.78% accuracy performance for image, text, audio, and multimodal data, respectively.


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How to Cite

Prashant K. Adakane. (2024). Multimodal Sentiment and Emotion Classification Using BiLSTM Model with Bird Intelligence and Bald Eagle Optimization. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(3), 3457–3466. Retrieved from



Research Article