Importance of Sanskrit Language in Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation: a Review


  • Vaishali Kherdekar, Sachin Naik, Dhananjay S. Deshpande, Pravin Metkewar


Information Technology, Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Panini’s grammar, Sanskrit


This paper presents an importance of the Sanskrit language in Computer Science and Information Technology i.e. how the Sanskrit language plays a key role in the research area. This paper also presents how the Sanskrit language is important in various fields of computer science such as natural language processing, automatic speech recognition, machine translation, etc. It is also beneficial for human health.  In Sanskrit, sentences can be formed using a minimum number of words than in any other language. In this paper reasons for selecting Sanskrit as a Natural Language Processing are presented. This paper also presents the importance of the Sanskrit language in research.


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How to Cite

Vaishali Kherdekar. (2024). Importance of Sanskrit Language in Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation: a Review. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(3), 3515–3519. Retrieved from



Research Article