Cellular-Aided Greedy Routing with Junction Oriented Recovery as an Offloading approach in VANETs


  • B. Vasumathi, Amit Kumar Bhore, Pradeepa D., D. Sridhar, Mugunthan S. R., D. Sangeetha


Cellular Offloading, VANET, Greedy Routing, Local Maximum Problem.


The exponential growth of mobile data has put the existing cellular networks under a tremendous performance pressure. This alarming picture calls for newer wireless technologies to aid cellular networks for data communication. Over the last few years, vehicles as mobile routers have gained a lot of importance. Using a network of such ad hoc routers, we can offload mobile data traffic from cellular networks onto a vehicle based ad hoc network so as to reach destination road side units. But, one of the major concerns in offloading data is routing. Greedy routing in vehicle based ad hoc networks has been a very popular approach, but it faces the problem of local maximum. By incorporating greedy approach into routing the intention is to maximize the percentage of packet offloading as well as minimize the latency of packets. The proposed routing approach Cellular-Aided Greedy Routing with Junction Oriented Recovery (CAGRJOR) takes the help of Inviting Road Side Units in order to attract packets away from local maximum regions as well as recover packets which get generated in such regions. Taking a scenario, this work compares the performance of CAGRJOR with an existing greedy routing algorithm for crowd sensing vehicular networks, Greedy Forwarding with Virtual Roadside units (GFVIR). Undergoing simulations, the observations register a noticeable 60% decrease in latency as well as a 20% increase in packet offloading in the case of CAGRJOR over GFVIR.          


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How to Cite

B. Vasumathi. (2024). Cellular-Aided Greedy Routing with Junction Oriented Recovery as an Offloading approach in VANETs. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(3), 3638–3649. Retrieved from https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/6000



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