Consumption and Realization of Conditional Convolutional Variational Autoencoder for Robot Trajectory Learning


  • Midhun Muraleedharan Sylaja, Ann Varghese, James Kurian


Variational Autoencoder, Robotics, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Trajectory Continuous Task


Learning‐based motion planning methods have recently shown notable advantages in solving multiple planning challenges in high‐dimensional spaces and challenging situations. The complex higher‐dimensional trajectory with many constraints makes the robot task generation complicated. Furthermore, the availability of a sizeable robot open dataset for path learning is a significant challenge. In this work, a variant of Conditional Variational Autoencoder with Convolutional Neural network is utilised to capture each task’s hidden probability distribution and generated back from the latent representation. The proposed approaches focuses on a generative model for offline generation of trajectory continuous task under static structured environment. The implemented model interfaced with the Robot Operating System (ROS) layer, which can directly feed into any ROS enabled robots. Reconstructed error, precision and accuracy were evaluated by the experiment of robot trajectory with reconstructed trajectory and yielded encouraging results.




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How to Cite

Midhun Muraleedharan Sylaja,. (2024). Consumption and Realization of Conditional Convolutional Variational Autoencoder for Robot Trajectory Learning. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(3), 3650–3658. Retrieved from



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