Intelligent Approach for Design and Analysis of Power Efficient Routing Algorithm in High Speed MANET
AODV, Power aware, Routing, PARAAbstract
In a mobile ad hoc network, individual nodes can move about and connect with one another to create networks on the fly, bypassing the requirement for fixed infrastructure. Because of constraints on both bandwidth and battery life, creating energy-efficient protocols is currently a top priority for MANETs. The MANET nodes rely on a battery supply, which has a finite amount of energy that it can store. The network lifetime is reduced when a node's power fails since the node can't forward packets on behalf of other nodes. Traditional MANET routing protocols, such as DSR and AODV, do not take nodes' energy state into account when transferring data and instead employ a common transmission range. In this research, the author introduces (PARA), a novel power-aware routing algorithm that makes use of transmission range and node speed variability. The suggested approach employs the AODV protocol's route discovery method. Using Network Simulator-2, we model both protocols and compare their results over a range of network conditions, looking at variables like energy usage, network longevity, and number of living nodes. The findings of this study demonstrate that the suggested algorithm yields effective outcomes.
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