Simulative Extraction of the Area of Interest from Medical Infrared Photography for Diagnosis Breast Malignancy


  • Umashankar J.S, A.R.Arunachalam


Breast cancer, infrared thermography, Artificial Intelligence


Breast disease is the furthermost generally recognized malignant growth among women in India and everywhere in the world. The rate in young women has been expanding throughout the long term, and the highest quality level test for analysis, mammography, is contraindicated for individuals under 40. Thermography shows up in this situation as a promising strategy for early discovery and a higher endurance rate in this gathering of women. The examination of thermographic pictures by Convolutional Neural Networks has great outcomes in expanding the dependability and responsiveness of findings. This work utilizes in light of 62 pictures of various patients, 30 of whom are wiped out and 32 sound. These pictures went through pre-handling prior to being dissected, and in one of the pre-handling ventures, there was a manual cut-out of just the locale of interest of the breast, proposing to assess whether recognition is better than the picture entirety.


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How to Cite

Umashankar J.S. (2024). Simulative Extraction of the Area of Interest from Medical Infrared Photography for Diagnosis Breast Malignancy . International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(3), 4043–4047. Retrieved from



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