Enhanced DOS Anomaly Detection Framework for Smart Contract Using Blockchain Metadata Analysis


  • Monali Shetty, Sharvari Tamane


Blockchain, Ethereum, Smart Contract, Anomaly Detection, Blockchain Metadata, DOS attack, Machine Learning, Voting Classifier.


Smart contracts (SCs) deployed on blockchain platforms like Ethereum blockchain provide a platform with the purpose of managing commercial arrangements. Though, the visibility of SCs makes them vulnerable to exploitation and misuse, including Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. This research introduces an advanced anomaly detection framework aimed at strengthening smart contract security by leveraging blockchain metadata analysis. Unlike traditional methods relying solely on transaction data, this framework incorporates comprehensive metadata like transaction sources, gas fees, and timestamps to provide contextual insights for detecting suspicious activities within smart contracts. This expanded feature set gives useful context for detecting suspicious transactions or activities in smart contracts. Transaction timestamp analysis allows for the identification of temporal patterns and trends, which in turn allows for the detection of anomalous activity, such as sharp spikes or drops in transaction frequency. Transaction-related gas fees provide information on network congestion and transaction complexity, which helps identify anomalies like unusually high or low fees that could be signs of spam or exploit attempts. Also, over the past years, many ML models has been developed to perform anomaly detection from the smart contract. The existing schemes are unable to achieve good performance due to lack in feature reduction and class balancing. In this research article novel framework is proposed which will solve class imbalancing problem and also reduce features efficiently. The Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique (SMOTE) model is used for the class balancing and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used for the reduction of attributes. The voting classification technique is put forward to classify anomalies. The voting classification method is the combination of various classifiers like SVM, Random Forest, KNN and it use bagging approach for the final prediction.Diverse parameters, like accuracy, precision, and recall are employed to simulate the projected framework. Such parameters lead to give visions to compute this framework while classifying anomalies and regular transactions at higher accuracy. The results analysed that the projected framework yielded 91% value for all the parameters which is approx. 30% higher than existing methods.


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How to Cite

Monali Shetty. (2024). Enhanced DOS Anomaly Detection Framework for Smart Contract Using Blockchain Metadata Analysis. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(21s), 3733 –. Retrieved from https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/6123



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