A Secured Elliptic Curve Cryptography Authentication Scheme for Advanced Metering Infrastructure Communication


  • Otisitswe Kebotogetse, Ravi Samikannu, Abid Yahya


Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Elliptic Curve Authentication Scheme, Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Smart Grid, Smart Meter


Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) has been a key element in upgrading the Smart Grid. The smart meter as one of the components of the AMI system allows the system to take measurements in the real-time resulting in a more efficient energy use and also good load balancing. Securing the smart meter's cyber-security is vital as a compromise will lead to serious problems affecting millions of users. This paper proposes an Elliptic Curve Authentication Scheme (ECCAS) method that is light-weight and utilizes bilinear map method to form an ideal elliptic curve. Furthermore, it improves the concealed-based method designed in NS2 environment and the proposed method to show the light-weight characteristic. Results show that total consumed energy by the nodes has been reduced by 6%, throughput increased by 4% and packets dropped reduced by 2%. All these results show a slight difference in computational costs to prove that the proposed method is light-weight and can safely be used in AMI subsystem.


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How to Cite

Otisitswe Kebotogetse. (2024). A Secured Elliptic Curve Cryptography Authentication Scheme for Advanced Metering Infrastructure Communication. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(3), 4182–4188. Retrieved from https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/6131



Research Article