Integrating Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence to Enhance the Spatial Ability Skills in the Field of Geography


  • Anireddy Srilakshmi, Archana Mantri, Deepti Prit Kaur


Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Spatial Ability, Geography, Education.


Augmentation Reality (AR) is popular in the field of education, especially as a teaching aid. As evident from the past research, it’s been exhibited that the students found it easier to comprehend complex topics when AR is used. The integration of dynamic spatial data and outdoor AR delivers a solid conceptual basis and technological medium to supply new concepts and innovative access to geospatial visualization depiction. Further, the combination is also dedicated to improving and broadening the participant’s spatial thinking and reasoning capabilities. In addition to AR technology, one of the e-learning platforms, namely chatbot developed using Artificial Intelligence (AI), has become a mainstay in providing long-term support for learning. Thus, this research work nominates an AR-AI framework which was developed as a new way to help middle-school students learn about their surroundings (both inside and out environs). The integration of AR-AI techniques enhances the impact of recognizing dynamic spatial data. This research work sought to meet the academic needs of middle school students in learning their geographic-oriented studies through the proposed AR-AI system.


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How to Cite

Anireddy Srilakshmi. (2024). Integrating Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence to Enhance the Spatial Ability Skills in the Field of Geography. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(4), 201 –. Retrieved from



Research Article