Cloud Data Security through Post Quantum Cryptography: An Integrated Framework


  • Shaik Mohammad Ilias, V. Sathya Durga, V. Ceronmani Sharmila


Post quantum cryptography, security, encryption, decryption, key exchange, ECDH, SIDH


Quantum key cryptography is the cryptography that has capability to overcome the threat of quantum computing in future when exploited by adversaries. With quantum computers in the hands of adversaries in future, the existing security schemes might be broken due to massive computing power. As security is not one-time effort, it is a continuous process that needs development of stronger security schemes. Existing PQC schemes focused on either data security or key exchange. Besides, there is need for further improvement towards enhanced PQC primitives. In this paper, we proposed an integrated cloud data security framework with novel schemes towards PQC. For data security with encryption and decryption, we proposed Hybrid Encoding and Data Transformation (HEDT) algorithm. Another key exchange security scheme called Elliptic Curve Super singular Isogeny Diffie–Hellman (ECSIDH) was developed. The key agreement scheme consists of Elliptic-Curve Diffie–Hellman (ECDH) and Super singular Isogeny Diffie–Hellman (SIDH). ECDH combined with SIDH candidate in PQC which enhances the security of the proposed scheme since they strengthen the ECDH with PQC candidate SIDH. The ECSIDH is found more secure than individual key exchange scheme such as SIDH. Security analysis of HEDT revealed that it is more secure than existing algorithms and ECSIDH is more secure PQC candidate.


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How to Cite

Shaik Mohammad Ilias. (2024). Cloud Data Security through Post Quantum Cryptography: An Integrated Framework. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(21s), 4028 –. Retrieved from



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