Multi-Model Analysis on Author Attribution Detection on Assamese Text


  • Smriti Priya Medhi, Shikhar Kr. Sarma


Assamese, Author Attributes, Automatic Authorship Detection, Low Resource NLP


Author attribution detection is a crucial task in the field of forensic linguistics and computational stylometry, aiming to identify the author of a given text based on linguistic features. This study focuses on the application of multi-model analysis for author attribution detection specifically in the context of Assamese text, which is a less explored area compared to other languages. The proposed approach is a first ever attempt for Assamese language, and involves the integration of multiple traditional machine learning models, like Support Vector Machines (SVM), Multinomial Naïve Bayes (MNB) etc. These models are trained on a dataset consisting of a diverse collection of Assamese texts authored by different individual authors. A structured and sizable dataset has been created as part of the current work.  Key linguistic features, including word n-grams, character n-grams, and part-of-speech tags, are extracted from the text to represent the writing styles of each author. These features are then used as inputs to the multi-model framework, which combine the predictions of individual models to make a final author attribution decision. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed multi-model approach in author attribution detection on Assamese text. The study contributes to the Assamese Natural Language Processing, by adding a novel work on authorship detection for these low resources and underrepresented language- Assamese, and highlights the importance of using multiple models for improved performance in computational stylometric analysis.


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How to Cite

Smriti Priya Medhi. (2024). Multi-Model Analysis on Author Attribution Detection on Assamese Text. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(4), 255–266. Retrieved from



Research Article