Time Allocation to Management Activities of Retail Msmes Through an Intelligent System


  • Alberto Aguilera, Armando Esquinca Moreno, Efrain Solares, Jorge Alfonso Lara-Pérez, Carlos Tolentino


Evolutionary algorithms, time management, uncertainty management


Effectively handling a manager’s time is critical for organizational success. This paper describes a methodology that uses cutting-edge decision support to offer flexible recommendations grounded in the unique context of Ciudad Juárez, México. The methodology incorporates manager preferences, determining the value of activities through the theory of value functions and performs an optimization based on differential evolution. This methodology ensures practical applicability, handling multiple activities, group decisions, and uncertainties prevalent in the dynamic business landscape. Validating the approach, a real case study involving Ciudad Juárez managers provides contextual evidence. The proposed system’s performance is evaluated based on the satisfaction levels of participating managers. This research contributes to decision and social sciences by introducing a system designed for handling managerial times in a culturally specific environment. The study emphasizes the adaptability of the system to diverse managerial activities, making it a valuable tool for decision-makers.


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How to Cite

Alberto Aguilera. (2024). Time Allocation to Management Activities of Retail Msmes Through an Intelligent System. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(4), 356–365. Retrieved from https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/6222



Research Article