A System for Implementing Homomorphic Encryption in Secure Computation for Cloud Computing Environment


  • A. Velliangiri, D. Sivakumar, T. Sivaprakasam, V. Nandini


Homomorphic, Encryption, Secure, Computation, Cloud Computing, Environment


The system for implementing homomorphic encryption in a secure computation framework within a cloud computing environment enhances data security and privacy by enabling computations on encrypted data without necessitating decryption Through cloud services, people and organizations can use hardware and software resources that are remotely controlled by cloud providers. The client's data is physically located far from him, which poses a barrier because it could be accessed by a third party and have an impact on the confidentiality of client data. The most famous strategy for crossing over this security hole has been to scramble the distant information utilizing ordinary encryption calculations prior to moving it to the cloud supplier. To decode the information and execute the vital computations, the client should give the server the confidential key. Computations on scrambled information can be finished without first unscrambling it on account of homomorphic encryption. This paper explains how to encrypt client data on a cloud server using homomorphic encryption, which also makes it possible to do necessary calculations on the encrypted data. This innovative approach to secure computation offers a significant advancement in protecting sensitive data in the cloud, fostering greater trust and adoption of cloud-based solutions across diverse industries.


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How to Cite

A. Velliangiri. (2024). A System for Implementing Homomorphic Encryption in Secure Computation for Cloud Computing Environment. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(21s), 4155 –. Retrieved from https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/6242



Research Article