Elastic Data Analytics in Healthcare: Enhancing Patient Outcomes


  • Shobha Y., Jyothi D. G., Yamini Sahukar P


Elastic data analytics, Electronic health records (EHR), Real-time data analysis, Cardiovascular disease (CVD) monitoring.


Effective management and study of Electronic Health Record (EHR) statistics are essential in transforming healthcare delivery and decision-making. This paper explores the amalgamation of Elastic Data Analytics (EDA) into EHR systems as an approach to address the tasks of managing vast volumes of heterogeneous healthcare data. EDA enables healthcare groups to dynamically scale data resources and adapt analytics workflows to changing requirements, facilitating real-time access to information and data-driven decision-making. The application of EDA in specific healthcare domains, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) monitoring, highlighting its prospective to reform disease prediction, population health management, and personalized medicine approaches. However, successful implementation requires addressing tasks such as data interoperability, privacy and security concerns, and scalability of healthcare infrastructure. Cooperative efforts between healthcare services providers, data scientists, and policymakers are essential to harness the full potential of EDA and drive positive outcomes in healthcare delivery. This paper underscores the transformative impact of EDA in healthcare and provides visions into its future suggestions for improving patient care and advancing healthcare innovation.


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How to Cite

Shobha Y. (2024). Elastic Data Analytics in Healthcare: Enhancing Patient Outcomes. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 12(4), 594–599. Retrieved from https://ijisae.org/index.php/IJISAE/article/view/6263



Research Article